Book Two...
Well, I've just hit 'submit' on Book Two of The Silk Rope Masters - Jake. Now come the nail-biting, the haunting of my email box, the...

New BDSM series...
Been a productive few months. I've just received my 1st draft of Holiday Hunk book back from my beta reader and she loved it! Been toying...

Great Month...
I belong to RWA (Romance Writers of Australia) and this month we had a challenge - 50k in May. I thought I needed a little motivation to...

Accepted - and a Great Cover!!
Book five in the Dark Desires series has been accepted by Siren, just waiting on the first round of edits. It's due out mid May. I just...

Elephants and Ever-Afters
Well I've finally finished book 5 in the Dark Desires series - Elephants and Ever-Afters - and submitted it yesterday to the publisher....

Interviewed by Gloria Herrera
Interview with Suzy Shearer by Gloria Herrera. Her personal description in Facebook reads… “Single, all alone and fancy free; I live...

Book 2 in The Hunter series comes out on the 16th. A Hunter's Choice follows Matei's young brother Tomas as he meets his 'One' and...

The Club 5: Submit
The Club 5: Submit will be released in July/August. Really excited - this book continues the story of club members. We meet Paul...

The Club 3: Waxed
The cover is out for The Club 3: Waxed - I hope you like it. The book is due for release 12th June. #bdsm #richard #paul #theclub #wax...

The cover now out for The Club 2 - Uncollared
Just got the cover for the second book in The Club series .... I love it! #bdsm #collar #theclub