Elephants and Ever-Afters
It’s a clash of wills when Tobias Duncan, 57, meets Laura Keell, 55. But neither can forget the impact each had on the other. To Laura, Tobias is just like a charging bull elephant but he still presses every button. For Tobias, Laura is everything he’s ever dreamed of.
Tobias just can’t forget this beautiful plus-sized woman.
Both know they’ll never meet again but when a chance meeting with a friend of Tobias means he can see Laura again, he jumps at the chance.
But there is a problem that neither share.
Tobias wants a woman who dictates the terms during sex. And Laura? Laura loves to be in charge.
Nothing can come between them as their love grows—that is until a tragedy strikes.
This book has been previously published. This edition has been re-worked/re-edited. Sections have been deleted, other added, the story generally tightened up to make it flow better.